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English post: Terrorism

I am so saddened that I had to make this post about the assanine assumptions people make in the light of the Syrian refugee problems and the Paris attacks, but if I hear one more person say: "Not all muslims are terrorist, but all terrorists are muslim!!", I am going to get my friends Gerardo's pile of printing paper and hit you over the white superiority complex bleached heads with hit. Lets bring out facts and stats for you!! This should be fun.

This are the things the mainstream media doesn't want you to know and why you should ALWAYS fact check on the internet and not just on the sites you share beliefs with. PS Follow the Guardian, I dare your little hearts to try that out. Might surprise you (but not me) how horribly, horribly prejudiced Fox is, and even sometimes flat out telling lies.MUSLIMS ARE BY FAR NOT THE ONLY ONES CAPABLE OF TERRORIST ACTS.

Less than 2% of the terrorist attacks in Europe are Muslim related. Or better said generally 'religiously motivated'. Link here: and most of those were caused by separatist groups. I like to also quote this bit about the US: "Islamist extremists were responsible for just 6 percent of terrorist attacks between 1980 and 2005 — falling behind Latino groups, Extreme left-wing groups, and Jewish extremists."

Here also a link from some similar information, that also links to CNN and Europol information:

Other quote from a similar piece on another site: "In fact in 2013, it was actually more likely Americans would be killed by a toddler than a terrorist. In that year, three Americans were killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. How many people did toddlers kill in 2013? Five, all by accidentally shooting a gun."

Where are the Buddhist terrorists/extremists you say? Well right here: .... Guess your news did not tell about these, did they? No? Strange.

Yes the most terror attacks worldwide seem to be on the soil of Middle Eastern countries, but that is to be expected. There's war there and hardy one too. And even there not all, although many were probably executed by muslims. I could not honestly find hard data around perpetrators, but since the war between Israel and Pakistan is brewing and the Jews there are no picknick to deal with.. You know what I am going at. This is btw not me going into whether Pakistan or Israel is at fault, that is a topic for an entire post entirely, one that I did not make so far but hey might do so in the future, who knows. Anyway, India is also on the list of countries with most terrorist attacks in 2014, on numbero 4 to be precise.

Anyway: In the US 7% of terrorist attacks are carried out by Christian anti-abortionists. I know a lot of people decide to not call anyone who does an abortion a Christian, but that was still what they believe. In that same logic, you should otherwise not call terrorist that call themselves muslim, a muslim. No what matter statistically is what they believe themselves to be. Whether you recognize your God in it or not. Muslims do not recognize their god in the terrorist that claim the same belief.

Mass shootings, which are arguably also terrorist attacks, are mostly done by white males:  (It is strange that a land that prides themselves on their gun laws has so many problems with this type of violence, what ever would be the cause of that? But let's just ignore that, before I throw another fact checked rant).

People are now more than ever against the mass immigration of Syrian muslims, escaping the wars and the other terrors of their home country. So far ten Republican governors have decided to not let Syrian refugees into their states. Blaming muslims for the acts of extremists is so beyond ridiculous I can't even! I don't blame Christians for Breivik do I?

Anyway, it is very much so the case that only one of the many attackers in Paris was actually identified as a refugee that came out of Syria, the others were completely home grown European lads radicalised later in life. AND here is the kicker: The one person identified as a Syrian via the passport? Yeah evidence has some to light that the passport might be a fake, as already some one else registered with that same passport. I don't have all the facts right now, since they have not emerged just yet and allthough tabloid junk as the daily mail would like to act they all came as refugees, most GOOD news sites already caught on to that. Hell even Wall Street Journal caught up with that.

So although attackers has links to ISIS who are linked to Syria of course, THEY HAVE NO LINKS WHAT SO EVER, completely proven, with the refugees that seek our help in their time of need. So Conservatives closing your states, shame on you! Rightwing people politicizing these attacks for your gain, shame on you! Muslimsbashers, shame on you!

And while you should be in your corner shaming yourself, I am going to stand with Paris, not using them for my own gain. And I am continuing to stand with the entire world. Thank you.


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